Consortium for International Management, Policy & Development
Sixth International Conference
Kampala, Uganda

June 15 - June 22, 2007
Kampala, Uganda

Achieving Sustained Development in Africa's Sub Regions through
Excellence in Public Policy and Management, Civic Participation, and Economic Empowerment

The Sixth International conference was held in Kampala Uganda in 2007. The Conference theme was “Achieving Sustained Development in Africa’s Sub-Regions Through Excellence in Public Policy and Management, Civic Participation, and Economic Empowerment”. Hosted by Makerere University Business School, the focus was on the interconnected philosophy of globalism described in Thomas Friedman’s book, The World is Flat. The Conference highlighted regional governance and economic compacts between East Africa countries; successful community policies and techniques for dealing with HIV/AIDS; and the impact on the continent and country sovereignty by NEPAD, AU, USA, EU, and other regimes.
