Dana Michael Bruce, MPA is an experienced facility and operations management professional. He has advanced experience in the realms of capacity building, efficiency management, customer care, service restoration, organization development, emergency management, operations capital management and maintenance. He has deployed and advanced these attributes within the aviation, maritime, rail, public transit and general facility operations sectors. A diverse assembly of public, private and professional organizations within the United States and abroad have benefited from Dana’s leadership, management and experience. Dana has demonstrated the unique ability to simultaneously lead and manage large represented, non-represented and contractual team members during regular and irregular operations at medium and large facilities.
A survivor and first responder following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center complex, Dana is a founding member of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s Office of Operations and Emergency Management. His mastery of the operations, administration, maintenance, planning and expansion components of facility management represent an advantageous asset to organizations seeking to obtain operational and facility assessments, proposal evaluation, management consulting (regular and contingency operations) as well as organization development analysis.
After attending public and parochial schools in central New Jersey, Dana successfully earned two Bachelors degrees at The Ohio State University as well as a Master of Public Administration degree at Rutgers University’s School of Public Affairs and Administration, respectively. Dana is currently a Ph.D. student within Benedictine University’s (College of Business) Organization Development program. He is married to Rev. Dr. Mary D. Bruce and they have one adult child Carmyn Christina. A 1993 initiate of his beloved fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc., Dana is active within multiple professional and civic organizations including, but not limited to: the American Society for Public Administration; the Academy of Management; the Conference of Minority Public Administrators; the National Forum for Black Public Administrators; the Consortium for International Management, Policy, Administration and Development; the Organization Development Network as well as the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials. He remains close to family, friends and colleagues. In his free time you will catch Dana traveling, particularly in Africa, and engaging in community service.