Harvey L. White Legacy Reunion
The mission of the Dr. Harvey L. White Legacy Fund is to facilitate career development opportunities for students and young professionals by providing support for a diverse range of initiatives. These include participation in both domestic and international conferences, engagement in development projects in Africa, and involvement in diaspora-related activities.
The primary goal of the fund is to honor Dr. White’s legacy of fostering growth and development opportunities for his students and mentees. Additionally, the fund serves as a platform for individuals who have benefited from Dr. White’s guidance and to continue his legacy by contributing resources to empower future generations of students and young scholars to achieve their career aspirations.
Dr. White’s Public Service Contributions

Dr. White’s Public Service Contributions
Dr. Harvey L. White has served more than five decades of public service in diverse fields. Beginning as a 23-year-old city manager, followed by academic faculty and administrative positions at five universities and leadership positions in several local, national, and international organizations. Creating growth opportunities for students, mentees, and colleagues has been a high priority throughout his career. He has positively impacted the lives of those he serves during every facet of his work. As a city manager, Dr. White used his resources to create travel opportunities for young people in the community. Helping his undergraduate and graduate students attend conferences and professional meetings was a primary focus as a young professor.
Facilitating international experiences for his students and mentees is central to his work abroad. More than 100 students and young scholars have traveled with him to China, Australia, India, Saudi Arabia, and 12 African countries as participants in his research, development, and service activities. During his tenure as National President of both the Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA) and the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), he mentored several current leaders of these and other national and international organizations.
As a leader in COMPA, Dr. White involved students in establishing the organization’s Journal of Public Management and Social Policy. He served as the Editor, and two of his students were the Assistant Editors. One of his former students is the current Editor-in-Chief of the Journal. As Past President of ASPA, he helped acquire funding to take 25 young scholars to South Africa to study its “Truth and Reconciliation” process.
Dr White has been a thought leader in the areas of environmental justice, diversity equity and inclusion (DEI), sustainable development, health disparities, talent management, and artificial intelligence. Not only has he written and lectured widely in these fields, but he has also fostered programmatic initiatives to help bring them to fruition. Former students and mentees are frequent collaborators for his work in these areas.
Dr. White was one of the founders of the environmental justice movement. His early work on “Race, Class and Environmental Hazards” continues to serve as a primer in understanding the politics and policy decision-making in this arena. It was his honor to write the forward for a book in this area by one of his former students. Dr. White writes about DEI, established and served as the Director of the Roscoe Robinson Initiative for Diversity and Public Service at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA). Similarly, accompanying his scholarship on health disparities is the Gulf Coast Center for Health Disparities, which he founded and directed, raising more than ten million dollars to address health issues in underserved communities.
Another aspect of Dr. White’s public service is his philanthropic stewardship. He taught his students and mentees by example, fostering the creation of seven permanent annuities. Five of these annuities support student professional development; one addresses health disparities, and the other helps the COMPA journal he created. Perhaps the most recognized aspect of Dr. White’s service is his international development work. He has lectured and conducted research in more than 70 countries. He is the Founder and Past Chair of the Consortium for International Management Policy and Development (CIMPAD).
Through his work with CIMPAD, Dr. White has helped organize conferences and workshops and supported development activities in 12 African countries. These activities include providing supplies and resources for constructing a rural school, supporting a community water project, an orphanage, incarcerated mothers with children, health centers, funding for students’ tuition, five youth entrepreneurship projects, etc. Many of Dr. White’s former students and mentees participate in CIMPAD activities. For instance, one of his former students coordinates the youth entrepreneurship projects, two are members of the steering committee, and five are advisors/mentors for youth entrepreneurs.
As indicated above, Dr. White’s public service contributions have been numerous and expansive. He has had a positive impact on the lives of countless individuals during his distinguished career. Dr. White will be 75 on April 10, 2024. We plan to use the weekend before this date to express our appreciation for his positive influence on our lives and the legacy he has left for us to follow.
All proceeds are tax deductible and will go towards the event and Student Scholarships that support the
Dr. Harvey L. White Professional Development Fund at the University of Pittsburgh
$5,000+- Sponsor Remarks at the Dinner
- One premium reserved table for 8 seats at stage center
- Full Page Ad in the Program Booklet
- Logo visibility on all event marketing collateral
$2,500- $4,999- Verbal Sponsor Recognition at the Dinner
- ½ premium reserved table of 4 seats
- ½ Page Ad in the Program Booklet
- Logo visibility in the program booklet
$1,000-$2,499- Sponsor Recognition the dinner
- Two tickets reserved for seating.
- ¼ page Ad in the Program booklet
- Logo visibility as a Bronze Sponsor
$500-$999- 1/8 Ad in the Program booklet
- 1 Ticket for reserved seating
- Recognition as a sponsor in the program booklet
$250- Business Card Ad in the Program booklet
- Recognition listed as a sponsor in the program booklet