Meet Our Board Members
Address Malata
Dr. Aziza Zemrani
Dr. Baakile Motshegwa
Dr. Berhanu Mengistu
Dr. Dana Michael Bruce
Dr. David A. Bell
Dr. Denise Wright
Dr. Doreen N. Myrie
Dr. Esther Jones Langston
Dr. Harvey L. White
Dr. James Korku Agbodzakey
Dr. Leslee Battle
Dr. Marietou Makalou-Berthe
Dr. Mary Bruce
Dr. Peggy Valentine
Dr. Stephen Condrey
Dr. Uchenna Ekwo
Dr. Walter Wiles
Dr. Yvonne Magee
Duduzile Maseko
Guila Cooper
John E. Saunders
Lori Gentles, MBA
Mpho Letima
Professor Victor Tonchi
Regina Williams-Gates
Roy Jones
Sylvester Murray
Tonia R. Wellons

Address Malata
CIMPAD’s 2nd Vice President
Professor Address Malata
Professor Malata is the Vice Chancellor of the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST), a position that she has held for five years. She became the 2nd Vice President of CIMPAD on July 22, 2022.
As an outstanding leader, she is the first woman to lead a major university in Malawi. She spearheaded the development and implementation of various Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs in the fields of Health, Science, Innovation and Technology. Under her leadership, capacity building for faculty and other staff has been supported and MUST is a beautiful shining star among African universities. Her research work has focused on sexual and reproductive health, HIV and AIDS, and health workforce development.
As a renowned international speaker, author and editor of various journals in the field of health, nursing, midwifery, and health workforce, professor Malata has made significant contributions in health care. Most notably, she is an advocate for girls and women empowerment through education. She is the recipient of numerous awards, fellowships and honors in nursing. A Medal of Distinction by the University of Malawi was awarded to her for being one of the first female Professors. She holds the title of adjunct Professor for Michigan State University, and Doctor Honaris Causa by the University of Oslo in Norway.
CIMPAD is indeed honored to have the distinguished Professor Malata as part of the organization’s leadership. Her exemplary leadership skills and expertise will serve us well.

Dr. Aziza Zemrani
Dr. Aziza Zemrani has a long history of academic and public service both in the United States and abroad. She is currently working as an associate professor at the University of Texas Pan American where she is currently the acting chair for the Department of Public Affairs and Security Studies (PASS).
She showed leadership for international cultural immersion programs. She took the lead for the signing of a general agreement for a partnership between the University Mohammed V in Rabat, Morocco and UTPA. This involvement is in line with her past experience as a Moroccan Executive. Dr. Zemrani worked for the government of Morocco as well as numerous American institutions.
Dr. Zemrani served as one of the senior female officials in the Moroccan government. She held a variety of top level posts during this period including Division Chief at the Directorate of Executive Training, Chief of Statistics for the Ministry of National Education, and Chief of Recruitment in the Ministry of Planning. Her many responsibilities included increasing the supply of international scholarships by working closely with the Department of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation Agency.
She was in charge of negotiating and signing international cooperation agreements with several countries and developed new ways for establishing cooperative links with foreign countries. She also had the opportunity to work on a development projects with USAID, including capacity building in Moroccan institutions. She was part of a team that developed institution selection criteria and procedures for capacity building technical assistance, as well as conducting need assessments for training purposes in order to implement a USAID development project to improve girls schooling in rural areas.
Dr. Zemrani also served on the National Higher Education Long Range Plan Task Force Steering Committee and she served as the Moroccan representative to the Task Force Review Committee for the Implementation of the New Strategic Plan for the United States Agency for International Development.
Dr. Zemrani earned her PhD. From Southern University and A & M College, the Nelson Mandela School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs. She also earned a master in Public Administration from the University of Pittsburg, and a Bachelor degree in Law from the University Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco. Prior to coming to the Univeristy of Texas Pan American, Dr. Zemrani taught at Clark Atlanta University, Atlanta, Georgia; and Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York. Her areas of expertise include Budgeting, Financial Management, Public Finances, Research Methods and Statistics, Program evaluation and policy, Cultural Competency and she is certified with the Kozai group.

Dr. Baakile Motshegwa
Baakile Motshegwa is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political and Administrative Studies specialising Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations at the University of Botswana. She is the first Motswana woman to be appointed Associate professor in Public Administration in Botswana. She holds a BA in Public Administration and Political Science (University of Botswana) and M.Sc. in Human Resource Management (University of Manchester, UK). She completed her Doctorate degree in Management at the University of Newcastle in Australia in 2008.
She has held different positions in both government and the private sector. She started her career at the Directorate of Public Service Management as a Personnel Officer but later joined the private sector. After being a Section Manager – Human Resources at the Motor Company of Botswana, she briefly worked for Bank of Botswana as Assistant Organisational and Development Manager. She later worked as Human Resource Manager in Flowtite Botswana before changing her career to academia 2001. Prof. Motshegwa has worked with both national and international projects.
She is a member of the Institute of Human Resource Management (IHRM), Botswana; Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) Full Registered Trainer and Validation Expert for the BQA qualifications; member of American Society of Public Administrators (ASPA) and the Democracy Research Project at the University of Botswana. She was a member of the Botswana Power Corporation Board November 2013 – March 2018, where she chaired several sub- committees, including Human Resource and the Transformation Steering Committees. She also chaired the ESB International (Ireland) Management Contract Evaluation Committee 2014- 2015. She was elected second Vice President of CIMPAD on 28 June 2018.

Dr. Berhanu Mengistu
Dr. Berhanu Mengistu is a professor of Public management and policy in the college of Business and public administration at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. Professor Mengistu has served as chair and co-chair of CIMPAD’s bi-annual conferences as well as the edited the proceedings of the Ghanaian and Ethiopian conferences. Professor Mengistu has been a Fulbright scholar in the Republic of South Africa (1997), Ethiopia (2001), and Ukraine (2004). Professor Mengistu is honored in co-chairing the 2013 conference of CIMPAD in Namibia.

Dr. Dana Michael Bruce
Dana Michael Bruce, MPA is an experienced facility and operations management professional. He has advanced experience in the realms of capacity building, efficiency management, customer care, service restoration, organization development, emergency management, operations capital management and maintenance. He has deployed and advanced these attributes within the aviation, maritime, rail, public transit and general facility operations sectors. A diverse assembly of public, private and professional organizations within the United States and abroad have benefited from Dana’s leadership, management and experience. Dana has demonstrated the unique ability to simultaneously lead and manage large represented, non-represented and contractual team members during regular and irregular operations at medium and large facilities.
A survivor and first responder following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center complex, Dana is a founding member of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s Office of Operations and Emergency Management. His mastery of the operations, administration, maintenance, planning and expansion components of facility management represent an advantageous asset to organizations seeking to obtain operational and facility assessments, proposal evaluation, management consulting (regular and contingency operations) as well as organization development analysis.
After attending public and parochial schools in central New Jersey, Dana successfully earned two Bachelors degrees at The Ohio State University as well as a Master of Public Administration degree at Rutgers University’s School of Public Affairs and Administration, respectively. Dana is currently a Ph.D. student within Benedictine University’s (College of Business) Organization Development program. He is married to Rev. Dr. Mary D. Bruce and they have one adult child Carmyn Christina. A 1993 initiate of his beloved fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc., Dana is active within multiple professional and civic organizations including, but not limited to: the American Society for Public Administration; the Academy of Management; the Conference of Minority Public Administrators; the National Forum for Black Public Administrators; the Consortium for International Management, Policy, Administration and Development; the Organization Development Network as well as the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials. He remains close to family, friends and colleagues. In his free time you will catch Dana traveling, particularly in Africa, and engaging in community service.

Dr. David A. Bell
David A. Bell is a faculty member of the Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs. He earned his Ph.D. in public and international affairs from the University of Pittsburgh, where he also received his MPA with a focus on nonprofit management, specifically of NGOs. At the undergraduate level, he studied public affairs management at Michigan State University. His research interests include leadership and accountability involving public organizations, entrepreneurship and capital flow in developing countries, program evaluation, nonprofit management, organizational leadership, and cross-sector collaboration.
Bell is a member of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), the Conference of Minority Public Administrators and the Consortium for International Management, Policy and Development. He has extensive management and executive experience at civil society organizations, including those that focus on human services and the banking industry.

Dr. Denise Wright
Dr. Denise Wright

Dr. Doreen N. Myrie
Assistant Professor of Special Education
Dr. Doreen N. Myrie is an Assistant Professor of Special Education at Jackson State University, in Jackson, Mississippi, USA. Before working as a teacher educator, she taught in special education and inclusion settings at the elementary, middle, and high school levels for a combined total of 18 years. Her interest in teaching children with disabilities goes back to her early years of primary school growing up in Malawi.
After seeing some of her classmates struggle to learn in classes, she developed a desire to understand more and work with those facing academic challenges and individuals with disabilities. At that time, there was very little awareness of Dyslexia or other learning disabilities. She believes that lives can be positively transformed when promoting a climate of inclusion, collaboration, and innovation.

Dr. Esther Jones Langston
Esther Jones Langston, PHD, ACSW, LCSW
Professor Emeritus School of Social Work
Director of Family Support Services
Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach – CAEO
University of Nevada Las Vegas

Dr. Harvey L. White
Dr. Harvey L. White is an Affiliated Professor at the University of Delaware Biden School of Public Policy and Administration. He is also an emeritus professor at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. White is an accomplished scholar, experienced administrator, and distinguished public service professional. He has held a variety of high-level government and university administrative positions.
Dr. White has served as a city manager, community development specialist, director of urban and regional planning, coordinator of public administration degrees, and as academic dean. Dr. White is often engaged as a management consultant on public sector service delivery issues. He has consulted, lectured, and led research projects in Africa, Asia, and Caribbean countries. He has expertise in Program evaluation, performance management, Talent management, and artificial intelligence.
Dr. White has authored or co-authored five books and more than 70 other publications on public sector issues. His professional activities include Director of the Gulf Coast Center for Healthy Communities, editorship of the Journal of Public Management and Social Policy, President of the National Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA), and President of the American Society for Public Administration. Dr. White is the Founder and Past General Chair of the Consortium for International Management, Policy, and Development. He is also a fellow in the National Academy of Public Administration.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ph.D. Political Science, 1985
East Carolina University, M. S. Administrative Services, 1978
North Carolina Central University, Durham, North Carolina, BA Political Science 1972

Dr. James Korku Agbodzakey
Dr. James Korku Agbodzakey is an Associate Professor of Public Leadership and the Director of the Urban SERCH Institute at the University of North Texas Dallas. He has extensive work experience in public, private, civic/nonprofit sectors in Africa, Caribbean, and the United States of America (i.e. Florida Atlantic University’s Public Procurement Research Center, Broward Sheriff’s Office Department of Organizational Development and Accreditation, United Nations, International Monetary Fund/Kelly Services, College of The Bahamas/University of The Bahamas, Nova Southeastern University, Save Lower Volta Network, Accra Metropolitan Assembly, Ohio University, Hillel at Ohio University, Broward County HIV Health Services Planning Council and Palm Beach County HIV Care Council among others).
His principal research focuses on HIV/AIDS care and treatment, particularly, how the use of collaborative governance framework at local levels impacts categories of services to target populations. Dr. Agbodzakey served as a delegate for AIDS 2012 in Washington, D.C.; AIDS 2014 in Melbourne, Australia; AIDS 2016 in Durban, South Africa; AIDS 2018 in Amsterdam, Netherlands, AIDS 2020 (virtual) and as a delegate at the 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science in Mexico City, Mexico in 2019. Dr. Agbodzakey was recently the President of the Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA 2020-2021) and served on ASPA’s Executive Committee & National Council.
Dr. Agbodzakey currently serves on the COMPA Board & the Board of NASPAA’s Section on Urban Serving Universities (USU), and is very committed to working with various stakeholders to help address contemporary complex public management challenges for societal benefits.

Dr. Leslee Battle
Dr. Leslee Battle

Dr. Marietou Makalou-Berthe

Dr. Mary Bruce
Mary D. Bruce earned the doctorate in Political Science from Wayne State University. Her dissertation, The Role of Journalists in Framing Newspaper Articles and Editorials on School Vouchers in Detroit, examined how journalists presented information regarding a public policy issue during a national election year. Dr. Bruce holds a Masters in Public Administration from Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. After 20 years in state and local governmental and legislative relations, Dr. Bruce joined the Wayne State University faculty in September 2003, and the Governors State University faculty in August 2004. She has presented research papers at international, national and regional conferences, including: the National Academy of Public Administration, Global Business Development Institute, and the American Society for Public Administration. In June 2005, she presented a paper at the Fifth International Conference on Public management, Policy and Development: Best Practices in Public Policy and Development for the 21st Century in Dakar, Senegal.
The paper was entitled, The Role of Journalists in Framing News Stories about the Use and Availability of Anti-retroviral Drugs for HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. She co-authored two articles, one is entitled: Workplace Violence: Awareness, Prevention and Response which is published in the International Public Management Association for Human Resources. The second is entitled, Roadside Markets and Poverty Alleviation: A Case of Roadside Markets in Uganda. In the summer of 2013 Dr. Bruce presented a paper on Framing and Agenda Setting in Windhoek, Namibia, Africa.
Dr. Bruce is an experienced professor. She has taught for Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. She has state governmental and public policy experience which includes: working as a legislative analyst for Governor James J. Blanchard, State of Michigan as a research data specialist for the Michigan Department of Management and Budget. She also worked as researcher and writer for the Michigan Department of Labor and the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Board. She has procured more than $160,000 in research grants to study community-based programs and evaluation of substance abuse prevention programs. Dr. Bruce served on the Board for Access to Care and as Chair of the Marketing Sub-committee for Strategic Planning.
Dr. Bruce is the sub-committee chair for strategic planning for the Consortium of International Management Policy and Development (CIMPAD). She has facilitated strategic planning trainings for municipalities and non-profit organizations. Dr. Bruce is an international scholar. She served as a visiting professor in Uganda. She also visited China along with several graduate students from the College of Business and Public Administration at Governors State in the summer of 2012. Dr. Bruce’s research focuses on public policy issues, strategic/community planning, human resource management, and media/politics. Dr. Bruce has served as the Chair of the Faculty Development Advisory Council at GSU. She brings a wealth of practical work and international experience in the public sector which enhances her ability to teach students from diverse backgrounds in an academic environment who are interested and/or curious about the field of public administration.

Dr. Peggy Valentine
Dr. Peggy Valentine is Dean and Professor of the School of Health Sciences at Winston-Salem State University. Her clinical experiences include registered nurse and physician assistant. She received the Doctor of Education Degree from Virginia Tech, the Master of Arts Degree and Bachelor of Science Degree from Howard University. She was honored as “Educator of the Year” by the American Academy of Physician Assistants, and elected Fellow in the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions.
Dr. Valentine is the co-founder of the North Carolina Alliance for Health Professions Diversity. She established the Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity and has served as Editor-in-Chief since its inception in 2007. She is the immediate past Chair of Advisory Committee on Interdisciplinary Community-based Linkages of Health Resource Service Administration Health. She serves on the board of trustees for Novant Medical Group, board of directors for the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions and the National Society of Allied Health.
She is a Paul Harris Fellow of Rotary, Winston-Salem. She has served as General Chair and President for the Consortium on International Management Policy and Development. In 2017, the Chronicle Newspaper of Winston-Salem honored her as Woman of the Year.

Dr. Stephen Condrey
Steve Condrey has over thirty years of professional experience in human resource management and has consulted nationally and internationally with over 800 organizations concerning personnel-related issues. He is the immediate past Editor-in-Chief of the Review of Public Personnel Administration and is the co-editor of Public Administration in Post-Communist Countries (CRC Press, 2013), editor of the Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government, Jossey-Bass, (1998, 2005 and 2010), and Radical Reform of the Civil Service, Lexington Press, 2001. He is the 1998 recipient of the University of Georgia’s Walter Barnard Hill Award for Distinguished Achievement in Public Service and Outreach and was named Hill Fellow by the University of Georgia in 2004 (the University of Georgia’s highest public service faculty honor).
He holds the IPMA-CP designation from the International Public Management Association for Human Resources. Steve retired from the Carl Vinson Institute of Government, University of Georgia in 2010. He was appointed by President Obama as Chairman of the Federal Salary Council in 2010. Dr. Condrey was elected as a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration in 2012 and is President of the American Society for Public Administration for 2013-2014.

Dr. Uchenna Ekwo
Dr. Uchenna Ekwo is an adjunct professor of Public Affairs and Administration, Rutgers University in Newark and President at the Center for Media & Peace Initiatives, New York. Before he migrated to the US, Dr. Ekwo worked as a political journalist in Nigeria for a combined period of 18 years in Daily Star Newspapers, Radio Nigeria, and Africa Independent Television. At a point in his career, he was elected the Chairman of Nigeria Union of Journalists – a position he used to improve journalism education and practice in Africa’s most populous country.
He has worked with several African governments, policy makers, and organizations to encourage sociopolitical reforms in the continent. A trainer and frequent speaker at international conferences, Dr. Ekwo recently addressed the Pan African Parliament in South Africa where he made a case for a continental media network to tell Africa’s story to the world. His experience in journalism, scholarship, and leadership as well as deep cultural intelligence is instantly manifested in his coordination of several workshops, seminars, and training programs

Dr. Walter Wiles

Dr. Yvonne Magee
Dr. Yvonne Magee is an independent consultant and professor of public administration at Bowie State University. She brings over 25 years of successful experience in public, multi-family and single family housing; and community and economic development, having served in senior roles in housing and community development agencies in several local governments. Among her experiences, Dr. Magee served as both Assistant Director of the Economic Development Department and Deputy Director of the Planning and Community Development Department for the City of Fort Lauderdale, FL; Director of the Community Development Department for the City of Kenner, LA; and Chief of the Revitalization and the Administrative Services Divisions with The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission’s Prince George’s County Planning Department. Dr. Magee also served as Associate Director of the Redevelopment Authority of Prince George’s County. She has launched and directed multiple award winning community-economic development and engagement programs.
Additional experience includes several years directing social service programs in New Orleans, including her role as Social Services Administrator for the Housing Authority of New Orleans. In her current role as an Independent Consultant, Dr. Magee provides leadership, strategic planning, grant writing, research and program evaluation expertise and technical assistance to non-profit, faith-based and other organizations. She is also Vice-President and Executive Director of a non-profit, which she and her daughter created to facilitate service delivery primarily to children and youth, and their families.
Magee has considerable experience developing and fostering effective collaborations with municipal officials and various levels of government, as well as other institutions, such as area universities, and the community-at-large. She is community minded, active in area professional organizations including Leadership Greater Washington, and serves as Chair-Elect of the Board of Trustees of Fort Washington Medical Center and Carolyn Boone Lewis Health Center; Immediate-Past President, Maryland Chapter of the National Forum for Black Administrators; and Member, Board of Directors, Consortium for International Management, Policy, Administration and Development.
An experienced national and international conference presenter, Dr. Magee has a plethora of executive level training and experience. Dr. Magee holds Ph.D. in Public Policy and Leadership from Walden University, Master of Public Administration from the University of New Orleans, and Master of Social Work from the State University of New York at Albany.

Duduzile Maseko

Guila Cooper
Guila B. Cooper is a professional in the fields of alumni relations and fundraising. With over 25 years of experience, she has worked with non-profit organizations, faith-based and higher education institutions in Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina in the areas of program development and evaluation, strategic planning, grant writing. Specializing in higher education alumni engagement, she has worked with alumni chapters and clubs to create strategic plans crafted to align with the interests and ambitions of institutions and their alumni. In this role, she works in close concert with strategic partners across the institution and in the community to build strong and supportive constituent bases of support, plans and implements programs and events to engage alumni, and recruits alumni leadership.
A graduate of Bennett College, Reverend Cooper is involved in the community through roles as an ordained minister, board member, community advisor and involved citizen. She continued post-baccalaureate study in theology at Erskine University. She serves at the Oak Ridge First Baptist Church and as Vice President of the Congress of Christian Education for the High Point Educational and Missionary Baptist Association, as well as on the boards of several community based organizations. A frequent teacher and small group facilitator for congregations, her passion is discipleship.
She is currently Director of Alumni Relations & Development for the School of Health Sciences at Winston-Salem State University. In this role, she spearheads development efforts by creating and executing an effective fundraising strategy, while engaging the over 5000 alumni of the school.
Reverend Cooper is currently serving as CIMPAD Secretary of the Board of Directors.

John E. Saunders
John E. Saunders, III is Executive Director for the National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA), headquartered in Washington, D.C. The NFBPA is a national professional membership association dedicated to the advancement of Black leadership in the public sector. Founded in 1983, the NFBPA is the nation’s premier association of Black public leadership with over 2,700 members representing more than 350 jurisdictions, in 40 states. NFBPA provides intensive training and professional development programs and access to its powerful network of national Black public leadership representing virtually every discipline in state and local government.
Mr. Saunders earned his B.A. in Business Administration from Central State University (Ohio) and a master’s degree in Human Service Administration from Lincoln University (Pennsylvania). His additional training includes completion of executive management programs at LaSalle College, the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School and Duke University. Mr. Saunders holds a Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation from the American Society of Association Executives, is a fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration, and a senior fellow of the American Leadership Forum.
Mr. Saunders began his career as a credit and financial analyst with Dun & Bradstreet, Inc. He served with the US Army in both Vietnam and Germany. His career with the National Urban League began in 1976 where he specialized in employment and training programs until being appointed Senior Vice President in 1978. Mr. Saunders was President and CEO of the Urban League of Greater Hartford from 1983 to 1988. In 1988, Mr. Saunders was appointed Deputy Labor Commissioner for the State of Connecticut, a position he held until 1997. In that capacity he provided overall coordination of the state’s programs of education and training for employment, led the successful reorganization of the state’s governance and operational delivery systems for employment services, and administered the state’s employment security services including substantial involvement in Connecticut’s welfare reform efforts.
Mr. Saunders has a long history of extensive involvement in various community and civic activities. A few of his current activities include: Consortium for International Management Policy and Development; National Academy of Public Administration – International Standing Panel, Social Equity Panel, and Africa Working Group; National Urban Fellows, Inc.; Tuscan Brotherhood Homes, Inc.; and American Leadership Forum. Mr. Saunders is the recipient of an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Briarwood College and a member of the Bachelor Benedict Club and Tuscan Lodge No. 17, F.& A.M., PH.

Lori Gentles, MBA
Lori Gentles currently serves as the Human Resources Director for the county of Santa Barbara, supporting 4,000 employees and accountable to elected officials such as the district attorney and a five-member board of supervisors.Gentles returned to county service after spending seven years in the California State University system where she served as the Associate Vice President for San Francisco State University and as the founding Vice President of Human Resources Diversity and Inclusion at CA State Fullerton. With 25-plus years of professional and senior-level human resources leadership experience, in both public and private sector organizations, Lori has been at the forefront of shifting the focus of Human Resources from operational and transnational to strategic and transformational. Empowering HR staff to be creative in delivering value-added services and innovative solutions is one of her strengths. She has implemented programs and policies to enrich employee experiences and to reinforce a social justice and equity mission.
Ms. Gentles is also an accomplished speaker and trainer, frequently speaking at national and international conferences. Her engagements have taken her from Asia to Africa. As an affiliate of the Consortium of International Management – Policy and Development (CIMPAD), she presented her thesis, Breaking the Cycle of Poverty through Socially Conscious International Recruiting, Education and Employment, in Namibia; and, in 2015, Gentles spoke in Zambia on the theme Ideals and Practice of Good Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Gentles serves on the executive board of the National Black MBA Association – Los Angeles and is the program chair for the Orange County Leaders of Tomorrow – a national mentoring program for African-American high school youth. Ms. Gentles has received national recognition from the College and University Professional Association (CUPA-HR) as an Emerging Leader and is the recipient of Inclusion Cultivates Excellence Award. Ms. Gentles is a native of Phoenix, Arizona. She holds an MBA in International Studies from Saint Mary’s College School of Business and Economics and a Bachelor’s Degree in Interpersonal Communication from Arizona State University.

Mpho Letima

Professor Victor Tonchi

Regina Williams-Gates

Roy Jones
Roy Jones has served 24 years as a Traffic Engineer with the City of Cincinnati. In this role, he is involved with and has expertise in the movement of pedestrians and vehicles in the public Right-of-Way including but not limited to the illumination of roads, timing and placement of traffic signals. He specializes in the coordination of underground utilities to provide electrical, water, sewage and communications media services to various properties.
Roy received the Associate’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University Of Cincinnati, Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical Engineering from Howard University, Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering; Communication Systems. He has been registered as a Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio since 1995.

Sylvester Murray
Sylvester Murray is a Professor of Urban Studies and Public Administration. Mr. Murray’s specialties are budgeting, urban administration and management. He is a former city manager of San Diego, California, Cincinnati, Ohio, Ann Arbor, Michigan and Inkster, Michigan. He was also manager of government consulting at Coopers & Lybrand, CPA, in Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Murray has served as President of the American Society for Public Administration and the International City Management Association.
He received a B.A. in history from Lincoln University, Pennsylvania, an M.G.A. in governmental administration from the University of Pennsylvania, and an M.A. in economics from Eastern Michigan University. Mr. Murray is a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration and a Board Member of the National Civic League.