June 13—24, 2009
Accra, Ghana
Transitional and Sustainable Approaches
to Improving Development and Administration
The Seventh International Conference was held in Accra Ghana (2009)
The 2009 CIMPAD conference was motivated to be held in Accra Ghana by two historically momentous developments; the election of Barack Obama, the first black President of the US and a successful, peaceful, democratic transition of power in Ghana.
The Ghana Association for Public Administration and Management hosted the Conference with support from the Cabinet Secretary for the Republic of Ghana. “Transitional and Sustainable Approaches to Improving Development and Administration” as the theme for the Conference was selected to provide effective administrative and civil service performance support for the political changes taking place in the United States and Ghana. The conference featured dialogue with several cabinet members and officials from United States.
The conference occurred during the year that John Evans Atta Mills was transitioning into the presidency of Ghana, and Barack Hussein Obama II was transitioning into the presidency of the United States of America.
“Significance of the conference” statements were given by the Honorable Mohammed Mumuni, Ghana Minister for Foreign Affairs, and the Honorable Donald Teitelbaum, Ambassador of the U.S.A. to Ghana.
It was related that twenty- first century governance requires an emphasis on effectiveness. Newly elected presidents in the U.S.A. and Ghana have let it be known that the policy question ‘what ought we to do” will lead their administrations. They intend to do things differently. They understand that the foundations of god government are empowered citizens and measurable development. These new presidents see the interconnectedness of the global economy, global energy, global health, and global education. They want to institute programs which will produce improved, timely and sustained development.
The Ghana conference chairs were Ben C. Eghan, Secretary to the President, Ghana, and Sylvester Murray, Chairman, CIMPAD. The Ghana program chair was Peggy Valentine, Ed.D.